Manifesting Generator Type and Strategy

Introduction to the Manifesting Generator Type and Strategy

Manifesting Generators make up 32-35% of the population. If you are a Manifesting Generator, you’re here to be a trailblazer and break boundaries. You’re a multi-talented, multi-passionate force, backed with a Generator’s drive and a Manifestor’s ability to accomplish. You’re inherently efficient & not here to follow a linear path or live by anyone else’s rules. Respond to and test the waters in all that lights you up. listen to when it’s time to let go and move on. You are the new age in ecstatic motion, lean in and follow your light.


My MG friends — here’s a different spin on your strategy. You’re a hybrid — not quite a manifestor, and not quite a generator, but a sprinkling of both. You’re a little all over the place in the best way, and for good reason! With a Manifestor’s drive and a Generator’s power to do, you are a force to be reckoned with in all regards when you hone your strategy and fullest potential. As a MG myself, I’ve had first hand experience in witnessing how LIVING my strategy has had a ripple effect in every area of my own life.

Most resources say your strategy is to respond, and that’s definitely where your process starts. The generator side if you clicks in first (SEE GENERATOR STRATEGY POST!), and from there, your gut response will tell you whether to move into the motion/ action of what’s at hand, or whether to let it be. But here’s the thing, versus when a Generator responds and commits to their decision, your final decision doesn’t end in response. There is always a prospect of changing your mind, because once you respond, the Manifestor side of you clicks in. Part two of your strategy is to taste the experience. Move into the action and envision yourself following through. That’s where you find whether or not you are going to fully commit. Then INFORM those who may be impacted and INITIATE!

MGs - the best thing you can do for yourself is give yourself TIME (especially if you have Emotional Authority as well!) Dip your toe into the experience. Find your moment of truth. Be okay with taking more time than you think you “should.” The worst thing you can do it commit too early and than feel guilty or obligated to follow through. You have too much energy and potential to hold onto what’s not right for you. Yes, you are capable of holding it ALL, but it’s crucial that ALL of it still lights YOU up. You’re allowed to change your mind! When you allow yourself to pause, taste it all, and march to the beat of your own drum, watch your life transition to total flow and witness how you’ll accomplish more than most could ever fathom. BABY, YOU’RE A FIREWORK!!!